Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Life is good! Danielle and I ran 4 miles with the ladies in the ward this morning what a great way to start ther day.  I'm so thankful to feel well enough to do this.  Just anticipating my treatment tomorrow, I see  the doc and I receive all 3 meds tomorrow so that means we have 3 weeks under our belt, YES!, 15 more weeks of chemo, we got this!! 
Feeling stressed  for Susie and Dallin waiting for results of todays tests to find out if the chemo is working, I just have to remember Heavenly Father is aware of them.  Its interesting how much comfort I have received from other peoples prayers, fasting as a family and priesthood blessings.  I pray that Susie and Dallin feel my prayers.
Some interesting things that I have realized and experienced that I never would have experienced if not for my cancer.
My brother in law, Dallin, told me that he loved me, that was awesome!
My brother, Alan, has this long ponytail, and his hair matters to him.  He called to let me know he had found a company that would take his hair and make me a wig! What a feeling to know that your brother would sacrafice for me something that was important to him.  He loves me and I needed to know that.
My brother, David, who hasn't really wanted to be involved with the family has called twice to see how I was doing, if his anger was towards me I am grateful he has forgiven and cares.
So now something we take for granted and sort of funny.  I went to try on this shirt and so in the changing room which was really dark I took my shirt off very carefully so as not to pull my hair off.  No luck, there goes the wig flying across the dressing room.  So here I am in the dark dressing room trying to get my wig on straight!  That took some time it just would not go on straight, gotta laugh.  So appreciate that your hair doesn't fly off when you change your shirt.
My sister Susan calls almost daily to be sure how I'm doing, like she doesn't have enought on her mind.
Lori and Mark and Peggy and Dave came up just to say hi and have dinner, how sweet.
Lori's girls have sent me so many scarves, can't figure them out yet but I'm trying.
Peg and Lori came and put together my 12 days of Christmas in one afternoon!
Howard sent me an awesome book that I've learned so much from.
I can't even begin to express all the things my children and their families do They have loved and supported me in ways that I cannot even begin to thank them for. Never have I been by myself to go to anything and theres been alot of things to go to!!
Bryan's been an incredible support to me especially when all I seem to do is cry and I don't even know why, and doctor after doctor.
We are in a new ward and the new ward has been so supportive and caring we couldn't ask for more.  The girls I run with are so awesome and encourage me whether we are running or have to stop and cry together.
Bottom line I am so blessed to be having this refining experience in my life and to be surrounded by so many amazing people!!  I love you all so much.

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