Friday, December 7, 2012

Lenora made a difference in my life

When we made the decision to get the chemo started right away and not wait until after Thanksgiving things started to happen very quickly.  I figured that by next Thanksgiving I would be done and the stress gone so lets get this started!  I was worried about my eyebrows because I had seen a picture of a women with no hair and she had these beautiful eyebrows.  I was extremely concerned that I would paint those babies on there and halfway through the day they would be smudged across my face.  The hair was not a concern at this point because it wasn't real for some reason and I had Danielle so I knew all would be well there.  Cari made a phone call and got me an appointment for the next day, that never happens, to have permanent makeup done on my eyebrows.  I was truly relieved, and my brain was not functioning fully I completely went  to the wrong place.  I went to Aura Spa and that is where I met Lenora.  She is an absolutely beautiful woman, if she walked past you in  the mall you would go wow she's so perfect it can't really be real! How judgemental of me, and I am ashamed but being refined at the present stage of my life.  This physically beautiful woman taught me so much in such a short time.  Her goal when I was there was to be sure I felt truly beautiful and feminine. Mission accomplished! I truly learned not to judge the outside appearance, she truly was not consummed with herself but consummed with me that day.  I appreciate being reminded that whats on the inside is what matters and that you can have it all and still be so Christlike on the inside.

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