Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Miracles refining us daily!

I love life always have and I just have so much fun living it, because your part of it!  Let me start a year and a half ago when I found a lump in my left breast. Panic!! I, with Michelle's insisting immediately went downstairs to visit Dr Tormey.  I was immediately assured through an ultrasound that all was fine this was just a cyst (told I probably drank some caffeine and this would explain it, I thought that was a joke Michelle paid her to say). I was told that if it was bothering me she could stick a needle in there and drain it - didn't sound so good so I made sure this would not turn into cancer or be a problem later, no problems go home don't worry about it!! Yes, no needles all is well what a relief.  I have my yearly mamogram done all is well.
The beginning of October 2012 I think I feel a small lump in a different spot on my left breast, I ignore it. A few nights later I finally say hey Bryan put your finger rigth there, do you feel anything odd. No. I don't feel anything with my finger but my mind says yes you doTerri. Very odd feeling (not yet smart enough to realize the spirit talking to me) I know Michelle will be in town the end of October so I decide I'll just wait and see what she think. I had not mentioned it to anyone but the one time to Bryan but it just wouldn't let me go. I decided its not fair to show Michelle she will want Dr Tormey to ultrasound. I continue to put this off then I get to work and hear that Dr Eggert has been diagnosed with breast cancer, she is very upset and cannot understand. She has taken care of herself and is not a candidate for this! So I decide a few days later I'll just ask her to check my breast and see what she thinks. She 's finally in the office and I find some quiet  time with her. "Dr Eggert I found a lump or something on my breast I think, would you mind, she cuts me off and says "No I will not look at a thing I want an ultrasound at Dr Tormeys today! Caught me a little off guard but I also understood how concerned she was. So I again put it off for a few days then finally went because Michelle was coming in a few days and she would be able to tell somsething was stressing me. 

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