Friday, December 7, 2012

A New Friend

Sat, December 1, 2012 Bryan took me to the ER, Friday had been a rough day and Saturday I couldn't even hardly get up and was running a fever.  Going to the ER is sort of an interesting thing for me because I enjoy seeing what Cari does and the people she works with treat us so kindly.  Iwill be honest I just don't really remember alot of what happened in the ER.  I do remember them saying that my white blood cell count was 200 and so I would need to be admitted for a few days.  Thats not the important part, the lesson that came with this visit is!  I must have looked like death when I went there because a young man that works on the weekends, so he knows Cari and he also noticed Bryan from motorcycle riding, saw me from a distance.  When Cari went to work he brought her this big pink bag of things that he likes with a card that he wrote this. "You don't know me but I care, heres some stuff that I like maybe you will to. A friend" His mother would be so proud wouldn't she! Well he taught me a great big lesson about just being who you are and acting when you feel prompted, even if you don't know the person. It truly meant so much to me. What an example! It felt good to laugh and smile and be cared about, but I must have  truly looked like heck!!

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