Monday, April 8, 2013

Last Day of Chemo (I still have lessons to learn)

Well it's my last day for chemo and I should be so excited but not feeling excited probably because the symptoms all hit again.  Cari has been to every appointment with me to be sure I'm getting proper care and keep things positive, except for today, her family was leaving for California so no personal nurse to be sure things are right.  Dr. Haslem also was out of town so after researching docs Cari had me seeing a lady so when a man walked in the room I was caught a little off guard.  Tara and Bryan came with me so that was comforting.  The doctor took a look at my lab results and said well you won't be having treatment today, my heart sank and I thought he was kidding. I tried to fight the tears but that wasn't working! After telling him that my numbers have been this low or lower in the past and doctor Haslem still went ahead he told me absolutely no treatment today.  Poor Tara didn't know what to do because she could tell how upset I was.  I knew if my doc was there he would have done it so that was very frustrating for me. (I need to learn there is a reason for everything that happens just have faith) So I chakkenged him a little and said well so what are you going to do to get my numbers up so this doesn't happen next week too?  He said there was a shot I could do but it has to be done 4 days in a row and well with the weekend that not convenient.  Pretty much he was not wanting to deal with me and let my doc deal with it when he got back.  So soon texting and phone calls started with Tara, Cari and Michelle.  Cari called me and said if you really feel that you need to have this chemo treatment happen today I'll call and it will happen today!  I told her I'm really disappointed but its okay.  Then Michelle and Cari visited and were very upset that he wasn't willing to do the shots so they decided one of them would give this doc a call and set  him straight on the shots.  When Michelle heard how Cari was going to let this doc know that the shots will be done she decided to be the one to make the call.  It is so wonderful to have my family supporting and looking out for me!! So needless to say I started the shots so we would not have this disappointment next week.  The shots were effective and my numbers were higher than they have ever been. Here's where my miracle happens.  Krischelle and Brin came to stay at the house and they were both sick, if I would have had treatment that day I would have been at my lowest counts and that could have been devastating to get sick at that point.  Instead my counts were up so when I did get sick it only took two antibiotics to get me healthy again.  I have had my last chemo and am waiting for the side effects to wear off, they are slowly leaving I think.  Bryan and I went for a walk and he was making me laugh and I realized how long its been since I truly laughed and felt light hearted, it felt so wonderful.  So laugh today and recognize that it really does feel good!!!

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